Google AR Paris Commercial :

Production: Film Fabric
Producer & Director: Jethro Massey
Director of photography: Marius Dahl
1st AC: Samuel Ribeiro
2nd AC; Michel Tran
Gaffer: Robin Parrinello

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Google AR Paris Commercial Project description:

At Google I/O 2024, Google’s ARCore and Geospatial Creator announced a pilot program in Paris and Singapore to bring select partner’s AR experiences directly into Google Maps. In partnership with Google Arts & Culture and Rock Paper Reality, we’re excited to enable tourists to discover immersive content in Paris, starting with a teaser of the country pavilions built along the Seine River during the Exposition Universelle of 1900 and the sketches submitted for the Eiffel Tower reconstruction. View a sneak peek of some of the geospatial AR activations that will be available later in the summer.

Geospatial Creator

Geospatial Creator gives you access to the same 3D map source used by Google Earth, through the Map Tiles API. With this powerful API, you can bring to life mobile immersive experiences, customized to your users’ location.

What is augmented reality?

Augmented reality is an interactive experience in which a real-world environment is enhanced with computer-generated visual elements, sounds, and other stimuli. It can provide a user with a heightened, more immersive experience than they would experience otherwise. Augmented reality uses your device to blend digital content into the real world. Unlike virtual reality (VR), you won’t need any headsets, goggles, or other extra equipment.

Today, smartphone games, mixed-reality headsets and heads-up displays (HUDs) in car windshields are the most well-known consumer AR products. But AR technology is also being used in many industries, including healthcare, public safety, gas and oil, tourism and marketing.